Pabon Hall Business attends one of the most important international events FITUR 2025 where we have had the honor of the visit of our Majesty King Felipe VI. Breaking barriers by creating connections between Latin America, Europe and the United Kingdom 🇬🇧
#pabonhallbusiness #emprendedoresecuador #latinosenlondres #latinosenelmundo #MinisterioDeTurismo #crecimientoempresarial #turismouk #atracciónturística
Lina Pabon
Founder & Managing Director Uk
Pabon Hall Business present at the XII MacroBusiness Roundtable, the most important platform for business connections in Ecuador. Business Matchmaking..!!
It was an amazing experience to be part of the Business Expo. Thank you Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce for your all support and to my team in Ecuador, Spain and the UK.
We really enjoyed exhibiting at the Expo for the first time with Ecuadorian products. It was a wonderful to conect with success business and network with professionals.
We share on facebook a lot of things about us, services, products and new projects what We are working actually. You also can chat with us directly in our facebook chat.
You can text us directly throught our WhatsApp Business account, feel free to do it, We love to talk with our clients personally.